Stage I TNM Tis-T3, N0, M0 The tumor is limited to the testis (Tis, T1) or the epididymis (T2). There are no lymph nodes involved nor distant metastases. In the AJCC staging system, spermatic cord (T3) involvement is placed together with scrotal (T4) invasion into Stage II. Standard Treatment Radical (inguinal) orchiectomy—removal of the testis, epididymis and spermatic cord. For pure seminoma, prophylactic radiation therapy is given to a total dose of 2,500 to 3,000 cGy to the pelvic and abdominal lymph node areas on the same side as the tumor. For non-seminomatous germ cell tumors, retroperitoneal lymph node dissection is done to guarantee Stage I status. When Stage I is proved by surgery, the node dissection becomes both a diagnostic and prophylactic measure. Removal of microscopically involved nodes (really a Stage II case) is not only diagnostic but also therapeutic, for cure follows in almost all cases. Five-Year Survival 95 to 100 percent Investigational The concept of surveillance only, without lymph node surgery, has been investigated for non-seminomatous tumors because 60 to 80 percent of Stage I cases will never relapse and effective cisplatin-based chemotherapy will cure almost all early relapses.